iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
021614 TC Consignment Entry - Orders mode
Rectify issue where orders mode requires selection between despatches
021619 LS RF Picking
Allow an LPN to be created after all products picked
021633 LS RF Picking
Add support for alternate picking function for batch and expiry tracked products
021635 LS iSupply - Main Menu
Add a user favourites section to the main menu
021636 PC Order Import - Jiwa
Set order status to wait for host until notifcation of release
iSupply, eCS
021637 PC Company Product Import - JIW738P
Rectify issue with the update of inner / outer info
iSupply, eCS
021642 PC Jiwa Shipment Webhook
Auto create Supplier master record when it does not exist
iSupply, iSupplyRESTServices
021643 PC Receiving Group Generation - X-Dock
Rectify issue with identification of shipment lines for x-dock
iSupply, iSupplyRF