iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
020940 TI Bulk Stock Adjustments
Add bulk stock adjustments functionality
021032 TI Shipment Advice Enquiry - Close
Add manual close function to shipment advice maintenance
021034 LS Create AASN - CNP733P
Upgrade underlying technology in AASN program (CNP734P > CNP733P)
iSupply, eCS
021038 TI Stock Containers
Add 5 user defined string fields to stock containers
iSupply, eCS
021039 TI Shipment Advice Enquiry
Surface all stock container fields
021046 TI Import Shipment Advice - CNP401P
Make auto-receipt optional on CNP401P import program
iSupply, eCS
021047 TI Masterfile imports
Add an ignore value to key masterfile import programs
iSupply, eCS
021063 LS Build Manifests
Improve hardcopy generic transporter manifest
021064 LS Export Consignment Data to Transporter - AUP620P2
Add returns support to Australia Post
iSupply, eCS
021065 LS Export Consignment Data to Transporter - AUP620P2
Add DG support to Australia Post
iSupply, eCS
021071 LS Receivers - iSupply Web
Syncronise new Receiver fields in iSupplyWeb
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
021007 JK Sales Order Import - CNP720P
Make CodeReceiver field optional
iSupply, eCS
021027 LS iSupply Web Deployment
Changes required for deployment to IIS version 10+
iSupplyWeb, iSupplyWebServices, iSupplyPortal
021033 JK Export Consignment Data to Transporter - AUP620P2
Handle ad-hoc Receivers in the Australia Post order export
iSupply, eCS
021035 JK iSupply Printing
Support Microsoft Remote Desktop session printing
021036 JK Authority to Leave - Star Track
Auto generate authority to leave number
iSupply, iSupplyWeb
021040 JK Consignment Entry - Change mode
Optimise consignment locking and unlocking
iSupply, iSupplyWeb
021041 JK Consignment Entry - Change mode
Ensure consignment changes are permitted per Sender configuration
iSupply, iSupplyWeb
021043 JK Freight tracking import - Australia Post
Improve logging around Australia Post freight tracking
iSupply, eCS
021048 JK Australia Post human readable label
Ensure the human readable label formats correctly for both 3 and 5 digit MLIDs
iSupply, eCS
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020955 RF Consignment Details Entry - Orders mode
Cater for despatching unpacked orders
iSupply, iSupplyWeb
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020786 IG Scan Pack Orders - Amazon
Add support for Amazon EDI ASN and labelling
020966 KS Order Import - EDI731P
Enhance receiving address state recognition and translation
iSupply, eCS
020970 KS Order cancellation - CNP732P
Remove unneeded file validation from order cancellation process
iSupply, eCS
020974 KS eCS Order Imoprt - ETSLOG
Add email alerts for failed eTS translations
eCS, eTS
020977 KS Order Translation - SAG732P
Allow multiple spaces as state and postcode delimiter
020989 IG Scan & Pack Orders
Rectify issue in Scan Pack - Single Unit Pack
021009 KS Store Packing List
Add order memo field (Sage remarks) to Store packing lsit
021010 KS Store Packing List
Change back order column header to Not supplied with footnote
021011 KS Store Packing List
Add barcode column to the Store Packing List
021012 LS EDI Scan Pack - TUN ordering
Improve processes around quantity conversions when ordering by TUN
021013 LS Company Product - EAN barcodes
Identify EAN barcodes using the barcode's Retail/Logistics attribute
021014 KS Export Summarised Invoice
Check option to include csv summary by default
021015 KS Create Pick Slips
Add Order Cancel and Order Delete functions to the Create Pick Slips program
021016 KS Export orders - SAG729P back-orders
Include orders which have been cancelled in back order export
iSupply, eCS
021017 KS Export orders - SAG729P
Prepend the text B/O to order numbers
iSupply, eCS
021018 KS Export orders - SAG762P
Use the consignment added date rather than user defined consignment date as filter
iSupply, eCS
021020 KS Store Packing List
Add sales order reference to the store packing list
021026 KS Export Orders - SAG726P and SAG729P
Map iSupply order memo field to Sage Pastel pick slip remarks
iSupply, eCS
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020926 KS iSupplyRF - Picking
Handle GTIN scanned GTIN barcodes
020928 LS Consignment Entry
Improve performance of despatch on large orders
020933 KS Export Orders (SAG762P/SAG729P) + Summarised Invoice
Map Sender bank details to Sage Pastel exports
iSupply, eCS
020934 KS Export Orders
Export orders of any age when ran manually from the screen
020938 KS Consignment Entry - IBN Despatch
Rectify printing of incorrect SSCC at despatch
020939 KS Export Summarised Invoice
Exclude orders with no eInvoice
020941 KS Export Summarised Invoice
Improve excluded orders warning message
020943 KS Order Import - CNP732P and EDI731P
Add TUN and EAN ordering capabilities
iSupply, eCS
020944 LS RF Pick/Pack -EDI Orders
Provide warning in RF picking if the qty packed is not divisible by TUN quantity
RF Picking
020946 KS SSCC Label - Symbion
Change quantity on label to Quantity of TUN (rather than unit quantity)
020947 KS Export Orders/Invoices/Backorders to Pastel - SAG726P, SAG729P, Summarised Invoice
Divide unit pricing by TUN quantity
iSupply, eCS
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020901 KS SAG726P Order Export - group export by receiver
Group product lines by receiver rather than store
iSupply, eCS
020914 KS SAG726P Order Export - Modify price column mapping
Change the price mappings in SAG726P order lines
iSupply, eCS
020915 LS RF Pick - Pick slip delete message on short ship
Rectify delete pick slip message showing when short shipping a pick slip
iSupply RF
020916 KS RF Pick - Maximum products per IBN exceeded
Rectify issue with pick slips where the trading partner only allows one product per IBN
iSupply RF
020917 KS Consignment Entry - Change Mode
Ensure correct order statuses during change
020919 KS Consignment Entry - IBN Despatch
Ensure address details is always obtained from the order rather than Receiver master
020920 KS Export Orders - SAG726P/SAG729P
Alter calculation of detail level tax type field for EDI orders
iSuppy, eCS
020921 KS Consignment Entry - Consignment Reprint
Correct barcode DLL version number