iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
020457 VA Datawarehouse export - VAL550P
Export freight costs interface file
iSupply, eCS
020684 TI Stock Reservation Orders
Add functoionality to reserve stock to orders
020814 TI Trading Partner Import - CNP360P
Add new import for trading partner details
iSupply, eCS
020824 TI Auto-receive Shipments - CNP401P
Add functionality to auto-receive goods into the warehouse
iSupply, eCS
020831 TI Company Product Masterfile
Add user definable fields to the product master
iSupply, eCS
020832 LS iSupply
Change IBN labelling to LPN
iSupply, iSupplyRF
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020882 SL Import Freight Tracking Details - HIT785P
Cater for newly added headers to freight tracking events for Hi-Trans
iSupply, eCS
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020863 SL iSupply
Side version for multiple incorporations
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020843 CA REST Service - Freight Tracking
Add freight tracking query REST service endpoint
iSupply, iSupplyRST
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020869 KS Delete Orders
Rectify typo in confirmation message
020876 LS Create AASN
Convert decimal quantity to integer
iSupply, eCS
020886 LS Order Import - EDI731P
Enhance validation of GTIN barcodes
iSupply, eCS
020889 KS Generate Invoices - CNP787G
Fix trading partner issue in invoice generation
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020812 KS Freight Label Print / Reprint - Couriers Please
Add special instructions to Couriers Please label
iSupply, iSupplyWeb
020813 KS Export Invoices - EDI881P
Changes as requested by Doule Z for EDI Plus eInvoices
iSupply, eCS
020816 KS Order import - EDI731P and CNP732P
Only create trading partner product records if we have new data
iSupply, eCS
020829 KS Create Pick Slips - stock allocation
Add a failed to create pick slip due to zero allocation event
020848 KS Create Pick Slips - Column ordering
Ensure the column ordering is maintained when upgrading versions
020851 KS Export Orders - Backorder exports - XXX729P
Make backorder export date range configurable
iSupply, eCS
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020857 SL Import Consignment Note Details - MHN791P
Add extended reference cubic data if configured
iSupply, eCS
Incorporations for Version
Job Number Client Job Notes
020835 RC Export Consignment Data to Transporter - AUP620P2
Add options to request tracking emails from Transporters
iSupply, eCS
020840 LS Setup Schedule Tasks
Add logging capabilities to web service requests
iSupply, eCS