iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
020812 KS Freight Label Print / Reprint - Couriers Please
Add special instructions to Couriers Please label
iSupply, iSupplyWeb
020813 KS Export Invoices - EDI881P
Changes as requested by Doule Z for EDI Plus eInvoices
iSupply, eCS
020816 KS Order import - EDI731P and CNP732P
Only create trading partner product records if we have new data
iSupply, eCS
020829 KS Create Pick Slips - stock allocation
Add a failed to create pick slip due to zero allocation event
020848 KS Create Pick Slips - Column ordering
Ensure the column ordering is maintained when upgrading versions
020851 KS Export Orders - Backorder exports - XXX729P
Make backorder export date range configurable
iSupply, eCS