iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
016858 TA Export consignment data to transporter - Couriers Please - revise export file format

017020 TA Export consignment data to transporter - Castle Parcels - rectify incorrect company code

017030 DH Export freight tracking details - include signatory data field

017032 TA Sender details maintenance - add GST% setting to override System Setup GST% setting and with associated functionality

017050 DH Create/modify user accounts - add "View c/note charge" security setting and associated functionality

017056 DH Export consignment data to transporter - AirRoad - include receiver address line 3

017062 TA Import pick slips - MomentumPro - revise the logic that attaches an imported pick slip to an order

017063 TA Export consignment data to transporter - New Zealand Couriers - include freight costs and GST on export file

017064 DH Import consignment note details - Manhattan - rectify incorrect reference type setting

017067 DH Consignment returns PDF - do not send if services C/Note At Entry not checked

017069 HA Consignment note printing - ensure that the receiver's account code is printed on the consignment note when despatching from scan and pack orders

017071 HA Export consignment data to transporter - Toll Ipec - ensure that sending entity is considered when exporting the sender's address

017081 DH Export consignment data to transporter - Star Track Express - rectify incorrect population of label deletion flag in export record

017089 LS Import consignment note details - improve determination of senders origin code when considering sender/warehouse sending address

017097 AI Consignment details entry - test future rates - ensure that the destination zone is chosen from the future files