iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
014672 LS Order tracking report - include user-id in report data

015196 LS Sender details maintenance - rectify system error when deleting a sender that is the default sender for a user

015845 LS iSupply release install - send advising email to LSI support when a release is installed

016284 LS Transporter rates maintenance - change/delete/enquire - include the origin code as search criteria to speed up the list population

016312 LS Consignment details entry - improve the calculation of dangerous goods and fuel surcharges

016327 LS Consignment details entry - rectify the auto-population of warehouse code when the sender code changes

016432 LS Consignment details entry - reverse origin and destination codes for swap out consignments

016462 DH Export Consignment Data to Transporter - AAE - output correct zone codes in Zone, Sticker, Zone To and Zone From fields when the consignment is a return

016474 DH Import Freight Tracking Details from Transporter - Mainfreight - redesign to be consistent with other freight tracking imports

016484 DH Scheduled Task Log Report - rectify system crash when displaying report

016499 LS Despatched Consignments Report - refactor into business logic layer

016500 DH Export Consignment Data to Transporter - ensure transporter dropdown does not duplicate transporter codes

016502 DH Consignment Details Entry / Update / Enquiry - prevent carriage returns being data entered into the references grid

016507 GM Scan and pack orders - rectify system error when retrieving in excess of 700 SSCCs

016508 PC Import pick slips - Jiwa - refactor into standard pick slip import to optimise performance