iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
015669 GT Price tickets - refine the price ticket printing process

015693 LS iSupply Utilities - TNT routing import - use export service code to find relevant TNT services rather than changing TNT routing file to contain service codes

015969 UT Orders list - Excel export - improve report format and data lineups

016093 LS Build manifests - remove the possibility of including a consignment on more than one manifest

016199 LS Consignment details entry - swap out mode - improve the data validation for the return consignment

016224 YM Consignment details entry - consignment note print in Toll Express laser format

016244 YM Consignment details entry - rectify the auto-population of incorrect recevier details following a specific case scanning sequence of events

016245 MS Reprint freight labels - Toll Priority 150x100 - rectify missing data when reprinted

016256 LS iSupplyWeb - Consigning - consider the sender name and sender address options by sender/warehouse on freight labels

016274 CA Scan and pack orders - rectify SSCC deletion relevant to database constraints

016285 CL Consignment details export to transporter - TNT - adjust export file content

016286 AI Consignment details export to transporter - Booth Transport - adjust export file content

016294 LS Licence control - add licence control to iSupply enhancements

016318 DH Consignment details entry - ensure that the dangerous goods form is presented when the dangerous goods checkbox is checked

016319 DH Consignment details entry - prevent spurious freight cost/charge records from appearing in the consignment cost/charge details form

016320 DH Consignment details entry - rectify the auto-populate of special instructions when the receiver is changed

016321 DH Consignment details entry - rectify incorrect auto-population of the warehouse code when the sender code is changed

016322 DH Print freight labels - improve the concatenation of sender name and telephone number