iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
015647 LS iSupplyWeb - Internet Explorer 8 compliance

015863 LS Import orders - EDIPlus and Integrator - rectify program crash if advertise date is in an incorrect format

015907 HW Setup scheduled tasks - rectify truncated export directory path in add/change mode

015929 HW Import pick slips - update help to include text file import in MAS727P format

015970 UT Export consignment data to transporter - add Bluestar Logistics revised format

016043 IG Import orders - EDIPlus and Integrator - adjust blanket and release order processing

016044 DH Consignment details entry - rectify freight charge not being generated for swap-out consignments

016067 DH Freight movements maintenance - rectify leg service delete misoperation

016076 HW Confirmed pick slip export - Prism - adjust the trigger for export timing during consignment creation

016098 MS Consignment details entry/update/enquiry - Toll Priority 150mm X 100mm label - remove erroneous leading space from barcode

016113 DH Consignment details entry/update/enquiry - Toll Priority label - rectify incorrect sender address details on swap-out consignments