iSupply version contents

The following is a table showing basic information of jobs included in the version. For more details contact the Implementation and Support Team at

Job Number Client Job Notes
018799 SL Export Consignment Data to Transporter
Bluestar Logistics - rectify element
iSupply [TD8 ] (NHU)
018805 SL Build Manifest
Rectify misoperation of sender setting UPDATE DESPATCH DATE WHEN MANIFESTED
iSupply [TD8] (NHU)
018824 SL Export Consignment Data to Transporter
Toll Express - rectify output of multiple item barcodes
iSupply [TD8] (NHU)
018827 SL Transporter Details Maintenance
Label style Toll Express and use of NQX company prefix in SSCC barcode
iSupply [TD8] (NHU)
018838 SL Consignment Details Entry
Default pack unit not auto-populating cubic dimensions
iSupply/iSupplyWeb [TD2] (NHU)